Displayed below is a snapshot of the Seller Storefront Dashboard - this is the screen you will see directly after logging in to the seller management system. On the top menu bar, you can see your Notification Icon, a "View Luthier Storefront" link to open your Luthier Storefront, and a link to Luthier Storefront F.A.Q.s On the main menu, you can manage Configuration, Guitar Builds, Build Order, and Luthier Profile. The other links are to our Helpdesk to either initiate Support Ticket and/or to upload rich listing media (audio or video) to your guitar listings. You use this same link to upload Blogs and Podcasts to be published in your Luthier Knowledge section. The top menu also contains links to our F.A.Q. Portal as well as our Visual Storefront Management Guide. On the main dashboard screen top row, you have your Builds Sales, Stores Statistics, and Store Earnings in charts and data format. And on the bottom you can find recent Order information, including build order total and payment status.